
2022-01-14 00:00:00 string variables int php html


<form method = 'POST' action = ''>
        <input type = 'text' name = 'a' size = '1' >
        <input type = 'submit' value = 'Find it'>

如果我输入 1 并使用 gettype($POST_['a']) 它返回我的字符串,是否可以输入 int?因为在此之后我想检查该变量是否为 int.

If I enter 1 and use gettype($POST_['a']) it returns me string, is it possible to enter int? because after this I want check if that variable is int.


得到答案,它总是返回字符串,他们让我使用 (int) 或 intval(),但是如果它真的是像 'a' 这样的字符串,它返回 0,但它也可能是整数值 0,如何克服这个问题?

Got answers that it returns always string and they offered me to use (int) or intval(), but then if it's really string like 'a' it returns 0, but it may be also integer value 0, how to overcome this problem?


在编辑错字后,Brad Christie 提出了最好的方法,使用 is_numeric

After editing typo Brad Christie suggested best way, using is_numeric


// convert the $_POST['a'] to integer if it's valid, or default to 0
$int = (is_numeric($_POST['a']) ? (int)$_POST['a'] : 0);

您可以使用 is_numeric 进行检查,并且 php 允许强制转换为整数类型也是.

You can use is_numeric to check, and php allows casting to integer type, too.


For actual comparisons, you can perform is_int.


5.2 版具有 filter_input 对于这种数据类型可能更健壮一些(和其他人):

Version 5.2 has filter_input which may be a bit more robust for this data type (and others):

$int = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'a', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);


I chose FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, but there is also FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT and a lot more--it just depends what you want to do.
