2023-04-11 04:48:00 sql profile oracle
如何使用ORACLE SQL PROFILE SQL profiles are a type of performance tuning that can be used to improve the performance of specific SQL statements. SQL profiles can be created manually or automatically, and can be used to improve the performance of both single SQL statements and groups of SQL statements. 在优化SQL语句的性能时,可以使用SQL profiles。SQL profiles可以手动创建或自动创建,并且可以用于提高单个SQL语句和SQL语句组的性能。 There are two types of SQL profiles: SQL profiles有两种类型: 1. Static SQL profiles 1.静态SQL profiles Static SQL profiles are created manually and are not automatically updated. Static SQL profiles can be used to improve the performance of both single SQL statements and groups of SQL statements. 静态SQL profiles是手动创建的,不会自动更新。静态SQL profiles可以用于提高单个SQL语句和SQL语句组的性能。 2. Dynamic SQL profiles 2.动态SQL profiles Dynamic SQL profiles are automatically created and updated by the Oracle optimizer. Dynamic SQL profiles can only be used to improve the performance of single SQL statements. 动态SQL profiles是由Oracle优化器自动创建和更新的。动态SQL profiles只能用于提高单个SQL语句的性能。 To use a SQL profile, the profile must first be created. This can be done manually or automatically. 要使用SQL profile,必须首先创建该profile。这可以手动完成或自动完成。 If the SQL profile is going to be used to improve the performance of a single SQL statement, the profile can be created manually using the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_SQL_PROFILE procedure. 如果要使用SQL profile来提高单个SQL语句的性能,可以使用DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_SQL_PROFILE过程手动创建该profile。 If the SQL profile is going to be used to improve the performance of a group of SQL statements, the profile can be created automatically using the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_PROFILE procedure. 如果要使用SQL profile来提高SQL语句组的性能,可以使用DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_PROFILE过程自动创建该profile。 Once the SQL profile has been created, it can be used to improve the performance of the SQL statements that it was created for. 创建了SQL profile之后,就可以用它来提高为其创建的SQL语句的性能了。 If the SQL profile is going to be used to improve the performance of a single SQL statement, the profile can be applied to the statement using the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SET_SQL_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETERS procedure. 如果要使用SQL profile来提高单个SQL语句的性能,可以使用DBMS_SQLTUNE.SET_SQL_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETERS过程将该profile应用于该语句。 If the SQL profile is going to be used to improve the performance of a group of SQL statements, the profile can be applied to the group of statements using the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SET_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETERS procedure. 如果要使用SQL profile来提高SQL语句组的性能,可以使用DBMS_SQLTUNE.SET_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETERS过程将该profile应用于该组语句。
