无法在 Windows Xampp 上安装 pThread

2022-01-14 00:00:00 xampp php apache pthreads

更新:看起来我在这里没有做错任何事情.当我执行一个线程示例时,它工作正常.我不确定,那为什么我在启动 Apache 时会出现这些错误.

Update: Looks like I am not doing anything wrong here. When I execute a thread example, it works fine. I am not sure, then why am I getting those errors when I start Apache.


我正在尝试在 Xampp (Windows 7) 上安装 pThread,如下所示:

I am trying to install pThread on Xampp (Windows 7) as follows:

  1. 我的PHP版本信息:5.4.7 VC9 x86

  1. My PHP version information: 5.4.7 VC9 x86


重新启动 Apache 服务器并收到以下错误:

Restarted Apache server and received following error:


Any suggestions on why this is not working?



I do not use Windows, but according to the people commenting in the manual, you must also add:

LoadFile "C:/xampp/php/pthreadVC2.dll"

到您的 httpd.conf(手册中提到的 httpd-xampp.conf)

to your httpd.conf (httpd-xampp.conf the manual mentions)
