
2023-04-11 01:44:00 开源 回馈 有哪些
As a popular ride-sharing service, Uber has been widely known for its innovative business model and cutting-edge technology. However, what many people may not know is that Uber is also a strong supporter of open source software. Over the years, Uber has released many open source projects that have benefited the wider software community. Here are just a few of the most notable ones: 1. React Native React Native is a popular open source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications. Uber was one of the first companies to adopt React Native and use it in production. The company has also released a number of open source libraries and tools for React Native, including React Native Mapbox GL, a library for integrating Mapbox maps into React Native apps. 2. TensorFlow TensorFlow is an open source machine learning platform created by Google. Uber was an early adopter of TensorFlow and has used it in a number of projects, including its self-driving car program. The company has also released a number of open source libraries and tools for TensorFlow, including Horovod, a distributed training framework for TensorFlow. 3. Kafka Kafka is a popular open source streaming platform. Uber uses Kafka to process a large amount of data generated by its ridesharing service. The company has also released a number of open source tools for Kafka, including kafka-connect-datadog, a tool for streaming Kafka data into Datadog. 4. Presto Presto is an open source SQL query engine. Uber uses Presto to query data from a variety of data sources, including MySQL, MongoDB, and HDFS. The company has also released a number of open source tools for Presto, including presto-admin, a command-line tool for managing Presto clusters. 5. Open source at Uber Uber has a dedicated team of engineers who work on open source projects. The team is responsible for maintaining and releasing Uber's open source projects, as well as contributing to other open source projects. The team is also responsible for organizing Uber's participation in the open source community, including hosting and sponsoring open source events.
