在 MacOS 上安装 PHP intl 扩展

2022-01-14 00:00:00 macos xampp php php-extension

我在安装 Cakephp 时遇到了一些问题.我希望任何人都面临同样的问题.

I am facing some issues in the installation of Cakephp. I hope any one had faced the same issue.


- cakephp/cakephp 3.3.9 requires ext-intl * -> the requested PHP extension intl is missing from your system.

根据错误消息,我删除了 ;从 php.ini 文件,但仍然得到同样的错误.

As per the error message, I removed ; from php.ini file but still getting the same error.

我有 Mac 10.12 Sierra、Xampp 5.6.28-1 版本和 PHP 5.6.24 版本.

I have Mac 10.12 Sierra, Xampp 5.6.28-1 version and PHP 5.6.24 version.


  1. 安装 php5-intl 扩展 brew install php56-intl
  2. 如果你得到 No available formula for php56-intlbrew tap homebrew/homebrew-php
  3. 重启 Apache sudo apachectl restart
