
2023-04-09 19:09:00 linux 编辑器 Vi



要使用vi编辑器,首先需要打开一个终端窗口。然后输入vi命令, followed by the name of the file you want to edit. For example, to edit a file called “test.txt”, you would type:

vi test.txt

This will open the vi editor with the contents of the file “test.txt”.

Once you are in the vi editor, there are two main modes that you can be in: command mode and insert mode.

Command mode is the default mode when you open a file in vi. In this mode, you can use a variety of commands to navigate through the file, delete text, copy text, and more.

To enter insert mode, press the “i” key on your keyboard. In insert mode, you can type normally to add text to the file.

To exit insert mode and return to command mode, press the “Esc” key on your keyboard.

Once you have made the changes you want to make to the file, you can save the file by typing the following command in command mode:


This will write (save) the file and then quit vi.

If you want to quit vi without saving the changes you have made, you can type the following command in command mode:


This will quit vi without saving the changes.
