Wordpress 和 Xampp 不打开子页面

2022-01-14 00:00:00 xampp php wordpress

我正在使用 wordpress + xampp,但我看不到子页面.

I'm working with wordpress + xampp but I can not see the child pages.



在此服务器上找不到请求的 URL.该页面上的链接似乎有误或已过期.请将该错误告知该页面的作者.

The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on that page seems to be in an error or out of date. Please inform the author of that page about the error.


If you think this is a server problem, please contact the webmaster.

错误 404

本地主机Apache/2.4.12 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1l PHP/5.6.8


默认情况下,Xampp 禁用 FollowSymlinks.请参阅第 4 点了解如何

By default, Xampp has FollowSymlinks disabled. See point 4 on how to

  • 启用模组重写(如果尚未完成)
  • 将 AllowOverride 从无设置为全部


如果 AllowOverride 未设置为 all,则永久链接将导致您描述的这些 404 错误(现有页面上的未找到").

If AllowOverride is not set to all, permalinks will cause exactly these 404 errors you describe ("Not found" on existing pages).
