
2023-04-09 13:43:00 docker 容器 是否能

Yes, docker can build java containers. There are many ways to do this, and we can refer to the official docker documentation for specific methods. I will share a simple way to do this here.

First, we need to pull the java image from the docker hub. We can use the following command to do this:

docker pull java

After the image is pulled, we can use the docker run command to create a java container. We need to specify the java image and the java version we want to use. We can use the following command to do this:

docker run -it --name my-java-container java:8

This will create a java container with the name my-java-container. We can use the docker exec command to enter the container. We can use the following command to do this:

docker exec -it my-java-container /bin/bash

After entering the container, we can use the java -version command to check the java version. We can also use the javac -version command to check the java compiler version.
