
2023-04-09 11:05:00 框架 安装 Pig

Pig is a high-level platform for creating programs that run on Apache Hadoop. The language for this platform is called Pig Latin.

Pig can execute its Hadoop jobs in MapReduce, Tez, or Spark.

Pig Latin abstracts away the complexity of writing MapReduce programs. It has a simple, concise syntax that makes it easy to write Pig Latin programs.

Pig Latin programs are made up of a series of operations, or transformations, that are applied to data. These operations can be chained together to form a Pig Latin script.

Pig Latin scripts are executed by the Pig runtime engine. The Pig runtime engine parses the Pig Latin script and translates it into a series of MapReduce, Tez, or Spark jobs.

The Pig runtime engine then executes these jobs on a Hadoop cluster.

Pig is an ideal platform for processing large amounts of data. Pig Latin programs are easy to write and understand.

Pig is also extensible. Users can write their own functions in Pig Latin. These functions can be used in Pig Latin programs to process data in new and innovative ways.
