如何在 XAMPP 本地设置邮件?

2022-01-14 00:00:00 email installation xampp php

我正在学习 PHP,并在我的计算机上安装了 XAMPP.

I'm learning PHP and have installed XAMPP on my computer.


But I have a problem with the setup as the email option doesn't seem to be working.

在做了一些阅读之后,我认为它与以下内容有关,在我的服务器上的 php.ini 文件中找到

After doing some reading I think it has something to do with the below, found on my server in the php.ini file

[mail function]   
; For Win32 only.   
; *hp://*php.net/smtp   
SMTP = localhost  
; http://php.net/smtp-port   
smtp_port = 25   
; For Win32 only.   
; http://php.net/sendmail-from   
;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost   


Is there anything I need to change? I have seen software such as swiftmailer mentioned but I don't know if XAMPP has this included already?


我最喜欢的 smtp 服务器是 hMailServer.

My favorite smtp server is hMailServer.

它有一个很好的 Windows 友好的安装程序和向导.放下我曾经设置过的最简单的邮件服务器.

It has a nice windows friendly installer and wizard. Hands down the easiest mail server I've ever setup.

它可以通过您的 gmail/yahoo/etc 帐户代理或直接发送电子邮件.

It can proxy through your gmail/yahoo/etc account or send email directly.

安装后,xampp 中的电子邮件无需更改配置即可正常工作.

Once it is installed, email in xampp just works with no config changes.
