将 xampp 从 maria db 10.1 更新到 10.2

2022-01-14 00:00:00 database xampp mariadb php

我正在寻找有关如何在窗口系统上的 xampp 32 位 上更新 mariadb 的解决方案,但没有找到任何关于此的文章.我刚刚找到了这个 链接.请帮助我如何更新.我想要 JSON 支持,这就是我寻找从 V10.1V10.2 的更新的原因.或者如果有任何其他方法可以做到这一点,请告诉我

I am looking for solution on how to update mariadb on xampp 32 bit on window system but not found any article on that.I just found this link. Please help me how to update. I want JSON support that's why I am looking for update from V10.1 to V10.2. Or if there is any other way to do this please let me know



1 : 从 Xampp 控制面板关闭或退出 XAMPP 服务器.
4 : 解压或解压 MariaDB ZIP文件的内容到你的XAMPP文件夹.
5 : 将 MariaDB 文件夹重命名为 mariadb-5.5.37-win32 之类的名称mysql.
6 : 将 xampp/mysql/data 重命名为 data_old.
10:复制mysql_uninstallservice.bat和mysql_installservice.batxampp/mysql_old/进入 xampp/mysql/.
11 : 复制 xampp/mysql_old/bin/my.ini 到 xampp/mysql/bin.
12:使用记事本等文本编辑器编辑 xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini.找到 skip-federated 并在其前面(左侧)添加一个 # 以注释掉该行(如果存在).保存并退出编辑器.
13 : 启动 XAMPP.
注意 如果不能从 Xampp 控制面板启动 mysql.在 xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini 中的任何位置添加此skip-grant-tables"语句文件
15 : 关闭并重新启动 MariaDB (MySQL).
如果仍然 mysql 没有启动,请按照以下注意步骤(!重要)

1 : Shutdown or Quit your XAMPP server from Xampp control panel.
2 : Download the ZIP version of MariaDB
3 : Rename the xampp/mysql folder to mysql_old.
4 : Unzip or Extract the contents of the MariaDB ZIP file into your XAMPP folder.
5 : Rename the MariaDB folder, called something like mariadb-5.5.37-win32, to mysql.
6 : Rename xampp/mysql/data to data_old.
7 : Copy the xampp/mysql_old/data folder to xampp/mysql/.
8 : Copy the xampp/mysql_old/backup folder to xampp/mysql/.
9 : Copy the xampp/mysql_old/scripts folder to xampp/mysql/.
10: Copy mysql_uninstallservice.bat and mysql_installservice.bat from xampp/mysql_old/ into xampp/mysql/.
11 : Copy xampp/mysql_old/bin/my.ini into xampp/mysql/bin.
12 : Edit xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini using a text editor like Notepad. Find skip-federated and add a # in front (to the left) of it to comment out the line if it exists. Save and exit the editor.
13 : Start-up XAMPP.
Note If you can't get mysql to start from Xampp control panel. Add this 'skip-grant-tables' statement anywhere in xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini file
14 : Run xampp/mysql/bin/mysql_upgrade.exe.
15 : Shutdown and restart MariaDB (MySQL).
If still mysql is not started then follow below Note steps(!Important)

注意:mysql错误日志文件: c:xamppmysqlinmysqld.exe: unknown variable 'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=2M' like please remove or commented this此路径中 my.ini 文件中的语句 xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini 文件.

Note :mysql error log file: c:xamppmysqlinmysqld.exe: unknown variable 'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=2M' like please remove or commented this statement in my.ini file in this path xampp/mysql/bin/my.ini file.

帮助 链接.
