php-fpm 不创建 .sock 文件

2022-01-13 00:00:00 centos php php-7

我有一个在 Amazon Linux 上运行的 AWS 服务器.

I have an AWS server running on Amazon Linux.

我使用本指南安装 php7(页面底部):

I used this guide to install php7 (bottom of the page):

我想使用 nginx 而不是 Apache,所以我还安装了 php70w-fpm 和 nginx 软件包.但是,当我 service start php-fpm 时,它不会在我的服务器上的任何位置创建 php-fpm.sock 文件.我已经签入/var/run 并且还运行了 find/-name "*.sock" ,它只返回 /var/run/rpcbind.sock.

I would like to use nginx instead of Apache, so I've also installed the php70w-fpm and nginx packages. However, when I service start php-fpm, it does not create a php-fpm.sock file anywhere on my server. I have checked in /var/run and have also ran find / -name "*.sock" which only returns /var/run/rpcbind.sock.


这里真正的解决方案是在 nginx 配置中监听 www.conffastcgi_pass必须匹配.使用套接字还是 tcp 取决于您.

The real solution here is that the listen in www.conf and fastcgi_pass in nginx configuration have to match. Whether you use sockets or tcp is up to you.

答案是根本不使用 .sock 文件.

The answer was to not use a .sock file at all.

listen =

所以在我的 nginx 配置中我放了



fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
