
2023-04-08 13:12:00 分析 原理 简介


Docker is a tool that can package an application and its dependencies in a virtual container that can run on any Linux server. This helps enable portability and reproducibility of applications.

Docker containers are built on top of Linux kernel features like namespaces and control groups and use UnionFS to provide a lightweight virtualization solution.

Docker containers can be run on a single server or on a cluster of servers. They can also be used to create isolated development environments.

When a Docker container is run, it creates a new namespace and control group for the application. The application is then isolated from the rest of the system.

Docker containers use UnionFS to provide a unified view of the file system. UnionFS allows multiple file systems to be merged into a single view. This allows the application in the container to access files from the host file system.

Docker containers are portable and can be run on any Linux server. This makes it easy to create development and testing environments that can be used on any server.

Docker containers are lightweight and have a small footprint. This makes them ideal for running on servers with limited resources.

Docker containers can be run on a single server or on a cluster of servers. This makes it easy to scale applications.

Docker containers are isolated from the rest of the system. This makes them ideal for running applications that require a high degree of isolation.
