如何在 CentOS 中为 PHP 5 添加 curl 支持

2022-01-13 00:00:00 curl centos php

如何在 CentOS 中为 PHP 5 添加 curl 支持?

How to add curl support to PHP 5 in CentOS ?

安装 curl 和 curl-devel 后,在 PHP 5 中设置 curl 需要做什么

After installing curl and curl-devel, what are the things that I need to do to setup curl in PHP 5


遇到了同样的问题.安装 php-common 对我有用

Had the same problem. Installing php-common did the trick for me

yum install php-common


You can also specifically install the php-curl extension

yum install php-curl
