
2023-04-08 07:29:00 原理 概念 现状及

Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. When the application is run, the container handles the task of putting all the pieces together on the host system.

Docker was originally developed by Solomon Hykes while working for dotCloud, a platform-as-a-service company, in 2013. dotCloud had been using a similar technology internally to make it easier to run and manage applications on its service. After seeing the potential in this technology, Hykes decided to open source it under the name "Docker", and it quickly gained traction with developers.

Docker is now maintained by a company called Docker, Inc. which was founded in 2014. Docker, Inc. is responsible for developing and maintaining the Docker open source project, as well as the commercial products built on top of it.

Docker is written in the Go programming language and is built on top of the Linux kernel's container functionality. It uses a client-server architecture, with a daemon running on the host system that manages the containers. The daemon is controlled by a command-line interface or a REST API.

Docker containers are isolated from each other and from the host system. They can communicate with each other through exposed ports, and with the host system through exposed volumes. Each container has its own process and network namespace.

Docker containers are lightweight and fast. They can be created and destroyed quickly, and they take up very little disk space.

Docker is designed to be used in a microservices architecture, where each container is responsible for a single service. This makes it easy to scale a application by adding more containers, and it also makes it easy to update a service by replacing the container with a new one.

Docker containers can be run on any platform that supports the Docker API, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. They can also be run on cloud platforms such as Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

Docker containers are portable and can be deployed anywhere that supports the Docker API. This makes it possible to run containers on your laptop, on a server in your datacenter, or in the cloud.

Docker containers are isolated from each other and from the host system. They can communicate with each other through exposed ports, and with the host system through exposed volumes. Each container has its own process and network namespace.

Docker containers are lightweight and fast. They can be created and destroyed quickly, and they take up very little disk space.

Docker is designed to be used in a microservices architecture, where each container is responsible for a single service. This makes it easy to scale a application by adding more containers, and it also makes it easy to update a service by replacing the container with a new one.

Docker containers can be run on any platform that supports the Docker API, including Linux, Windows, and Mac OS. They can also be run on cloud platforms such as Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

Docker containers are portable and can be deployed anywhere that supports the Docker API. This makes it possible to run containers on your laptop, on a server in your datacenter, or in the cloud.
