未找到 XML 扩展

2022-01-13 00:00:00 centos php php-extension

我有 centos 6.5 服务器,当我尝试使用 pecl 安装 php 扩展时,我收到以下错误:

I have centos 6.5 server and when I try to install php extension using pecl I get the following error:

XML Extension not found


All the documentations say that this extension is included by default... Why this error still exists?


根据对 php.net 的评论

某些 Linux 发行版没有包含在最低 PHP 包中的此扩展.它通常可以在可选"选项之一中找到.php-* 包.

Certain Linux distributions do not have this extension included in the minimum PHP package. It can usually be found in one of the "optional" php-* packages.

对于 CentOS,你需要运行 yum install php-xml,它提供了这个扩展.

For CentOS, you will need to run yum install php-xml, which provides this extension.


So please try to install it using:

yum install php-xml

同时检查你的 php.ini 并确保扩展名没有被注释掉 ; 它应该被列为:

Also check your php.ini and make sure that the extension is not commented out with a ; it should be listed as:



In order to be absolutely sure whether or not a module is enabled you should use phpinfo()
