
2023-04-07 13:29:00 解析 K8S etcd

Etcd is a distributed key-value store that is used as the storage backend for Kubernetes. All of Kubernetes' data is stored in Etcd, including the configuration of the Kubernetes cluster itself, the desired state of the cluster, and the current state of the cluster.

Etcd is a very simple key-value store, and the data it stores is organized into a hierarchy of keys. Each key in the hierarchy is called a node, and each node can have zero or more child nodes. Nodes are identified by a path, which is a sequence of node names separated by forward slashes. For example, the key /foo/bar/baz identifies the node baz, which is a child of the node bar, which is a child of the node foo.

The data stored in a node is called its value. Values can be either strings or binary data. Strings are stored as-is, while binary data is stored as a base64-encoded string.

Each node in Etcd has a timestamp associated with it, called its modification time. This timestamp is used by Kubernetes to determine when a particular piece of data was last modified.

Etcd also supports a feature called leases. A lease is a time-limited lock on a node. When a node is leased, no other process can modify that node for the duration of the lease. Leases are used by Kubernetes to ensure that only one process is modifying a particular piece of data at a time.

Etcd is a very simple key-value store, but it has a few features that make it well-suited for use as a storage backend for Kubernetes. First, Etcd is highly available. It is designed to be run on a cluster of machines, and it can tolerate the failure of any individual machine. Second, Etcd is strongly consistent. This means that, if two processes try to modify the same node at the same time, one of them will win and the other will lose. Third, Etcd is fast. It is designed to be used as a storage backend for high-performance systems, and it has been optimized for performance.

Etcd is a great choice for use as a storage backend for Kubernetes. It is highly available, strongly consistent, and fast. It is also very simple to use. If you are looking for a storage backend for Kubernetes, Etcd is a great option.
