无法通过 PHP 连接到 MongoDB

2022-01-13 00:00:00 mongodb nosql php pecl

我只是想看看 Mongo-DB.但我就是不让它运行.我已经用 PECL 安装了它,我的 phpinfo() 告诉我扩展已加载,但是当我尝试与

I just wanted to take a look at Mongo-DB. But i just don't get it running. I've installed it with PECL and my phpinfo() tells me that the extension is loaded, but when i try to get a connection with

$mongo = new Mongo();



Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'MongoConnectionException' with message ': Transport endpoint is not connected'


Anybody have the same Problem? ... Or any Idea on this?


请不要误会,但你真的让服务器运行了吗?只是看起来您的错误与连接失败有关,并且您没有提及服务器或其所在的位置(例如默认端口上的 localhost)

Please don't take this the wrong way, but have you actually got the server running? Only it looks like your error relates to a failure to connect and you've made no mention of the server or where it is located (localhost on the default port for example)
