ceph placement group状态有哪些

2023-04-07 08:47:00 状态 有哪些 Ceph

ceph placement group状态有哪些

ceph placement groups (PGs) can be in one of several states, depending on the health of the underlying objects and the state of the cluster as a whole. The most common PG states are:

Active: All objects in the PG are healthy and accessible.

Clean: All objects in the PG are healthy, but some or all of them are not accessible (e.g., because they are located on a node that is down).

Degraded: Some objects in the PG are healthy and accessible, but others are not.

Recovering: The PG is in the process of recovering from a previous error state.

Backfilling: The PG is in the process of filling up objects that were previously not accessible.

Wait: The PG is waiting for some other action to complete before it can transition to another state.
