
2023-04-07 08:37:00 示例 开源 设置

1. 你好,我想问一下关于留学的事情。我目前正在考虑去英国留学,但是对英国的留学生活比较模糊,所以我想问一下在英国留学生活是怎样的?

Hello, I would like to ask about something regarding studying abroad. I am currently considering studying in the UK but I am quite unclear about what student life in the UK is like. So I was wondering, what is student life in the UK like?

2. 你好,我想问一下关于英国的事情。我知道英国人很友好,但是我听说英国人也有一些怪异的习惯,比如说他们喜欢排队。所以我想问一下英国人是怎样的?

Hello, I would like to ask about something regarding the UK. I know that British people are friendly but I have heard that they also have some weird habits, like queuing for example. So I was wondering, what are British people like?
