将碳日期转换为 mysql 时间戳.

2022-01-13 00:00:00 timestamp php mysql laravel php-carbon

我在 mysql 数据库中有一个时间戳变量列.试图将碳时间戳转换为我可以在那里输入的东西,但 Carbon::now() 只返回一个碳对象,当我尝试使用碳对象的时间戳字符串时,它不会在mysql中注册.

I have a timestamp variable column in a mysql database. Trying to convert a carbon timestamp to something that I can input there, but Carbon::now() only returns a Carbon object and when I try to use the timestamp string of the Carbon object, it does not register in mysql.

public function store(CreateArticleRequest $request){
        $input = $request->all(); 
        var_dump($input); // JUST SO YOU CAN SEE
        $input['published_at'] = Carbon::now(); 
        var_dump($input); // JUST SO YOU CAN SEE

我的第一个 var 转储是这样的:

My first var dump is like so:

array (size=4)
  '_token' => string 'Wy67a4hWxrnfiGz61wmXfYCSjAdldv26wOJiLWNc' (length=40)
  'title' => string 'ASDFasdf' (length=8)
  'body' => string 'asdfasdf' (length=8)
  'published_at' => string '2015-08-26' (length=10)  

我的第二个 var 转储是这样的.

My second var dump is like so.

与published_at"相关的 mysql 列是一个时间戳变量.我想如何将其从碳对象转换?

The mysql column relating to "published_at" is a timestamp variable. How an I suppose to convert this from a Carbon Object?



你也可以在你的模型上设置 Mutator.

You can also set Mutator on your model.

public function setPublishedAt($value)
    $this->attributes['published_at'] = strtotime($value);


$model -> setPublishedAt('2015-08-26'); // 1440572400

或者您可以使用 strtotime

strtotime — 将任何英文文本日期时间描述解析为 Unix 时间戳

strtotime — Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp

