将日期转换为 UNIX 时间戳

2022-01-13 00:00:00 timestamp date php unix

我的日期格式为 Jun 26, '12.
strtotime() 转换正确的日期字符串,并且此字符串导致空白输出.这可以解决,但我只能想到丑陋的方法.

I'm having a date format of Jun 26, '12.
strtotime() converts proper date string, and this string results in a blank output. This can be solved but I can only think of ugly ways of doing it.

有什么想法可以优雅地将这种日期格式转换为 UNIX 时间戳?

Any ideas for converting this date format to UNIX timestamp elegantly?


这个strtotime('Jun 26,12');
