
2023-04-06 21:47:00 ubuntu 安装 Rkt

Rkt is a container runtime for Linux and other operating systems that uses Linux kernel primitives. It is designed to be secure, composable, and fast. Rkt is available for download from the GitHub releases page.

The latest release of Rkt is version 1.30.0.

To install Rkt on a 64-bit Ubuntu system, first download the Rkt binary from the GitHub releases page. Next, unpack the Rkt binary and make it executable:

tar xzf rkt-v1.30.0.tar.gz

cd rkt-v1.30.0

sudo make install

Now that Rkt is installed, you can use it to run containers. For example, to run a simple hello-world container, use the following command:

rkt run --insecure-options=image hello-world

This will download the hello-world container image and run it. The --insecure-options=image flag is needed because the hello-world image is not signed.

If you want to run a signed image, you will need to trust the image's signing key. For example, to run the CoreOS blog container image, you would use the following command:

rkt trust --prefix coreos.com/blog

You can find the signing key for the CoreOS blog image on the CoreOS blog's releases page.

Once you have trusted the image's signing key, you can run the image with the following command:

rkt run --insecure-options=image coreos.com/blog

Rkt can also be used to run Docker images. For example, to run the busybox Docker image, you would use the following command:

rkt run --insecure-options=image docker://busybox

You can find more information about running Docker images with Rkt in the Rkt documentation.

Rkt is a versatile tool that can be used to run a variety of container images. By default, Rkt uses a secure mode of operation that prevents untrusted images from running. However, Rkt can also be configured to run untrusted images if needed.
