Twig 模板单元测试

2022-01-12 00:00:00 continuous-integration php symfony twig

我开始考虑在 Symfony 中为 twig 模板进行持续集成.

I began to think about Continuous Integration for the twig templates in Symfony.

  1. 模板是独立的逻辑.
  2. 模板中有错误.但在开发过程中,我不想被视觉检查分心.

有没有现成的解决方案可以在 Symfony 中对 twig 文件进行单元测试?

Are there any ready-made solutions for unit testing a twig file in Symfony?


WebTestCase(自 Symfony 2.0 以来 phpunit TestCase 的扩展)/KernelTestCase(phpunit的扩展TestCase 从 Symfony 2.5 开始)

Inside a WebTestCase (extension of a phpunit TestCase since Symfony 2.0) / KernelTestCase (extension of phpunit TestCase since Symfony 2.5)

    $twig = self::$kernel->getContainer()->get('twig');
    $html = $twig->render('AppBundle::app/something.html.twig', ['content' => 'I am some variable value']);
    self::assertEquals($html, $response->getContent());
