推荐用于 PHP 项目持续集成的服务器

2022-01-12 00:00:00 continuous-integration php

我正在开发一个 PHP 项目,我想了解实现持续集成的建议.

I'm working on a PHP project and I would like to know recommendations for implementing continuous integration.


I've read all the theory, but I never got to use continuous integration. So it should be rather easy to start.

我读过Xinc、Hudson 等,但我想根据经验获得一些反馈.你在 PHP 项目中使用过持续集成吗?你有什么经验吗?你会推荐哪个服务器?

I've read about Xinc, Hudson, among others, but I would like to get some feedback based on experience. Have you used continuous integration in PHP projects? What has been your experience? Which server would you recommend?


我运气不错 phpUnderControl,它基于 CruiseControl.

I have had good luck with phpUnderControl, which is based on CruiseControl.
