托管 PHP 的持续集成?

2022-01-12 00:00:00 continuous-integration jenkins php

我只是想检查一下是否有人知道任何使用 PHP 为基于 Web 的项目制作的托管持续集成服务?

I just wanted to check if anyone knows any hosted continous integration services made for web-based projects using PHP ?

我一直在寻找,但大多数都是为 Java、Ruby 和一些 iOS/Android 制作的.我正在恢复使用 Jenkins 设置我自己的 CI 服务器.我猜 PHP 端对 CI 的需求不足以证明托管服务支持现成的它.

I have been searching around but most are made for Java, Ruby and some for iOS/Android. I am reverting to having to set up my own CI server with Jenkin. I am guess there is not enough demand for CI on the PHP side to justify hosted services to support it off the shelf.


在 Quora.

其中一些还支持 PHP:

Some of them also support PHP:

  • circleci.com
  • drone.io
  • codeship.io(免责声明:我是联合创始人之一)
  • travis-ci.org
