
2023-04-06 05:45:00 安全策略 OPA

OPA (Open Policy Agent) is an open source, lightweight policy enforcement engine that can be used with any programming language. OPA provides a declarative language for authoring policies and an API for enforcing those policies.

OPA enables fine-grained, context-aware authorization. For example, an admin user might be allowed to read and write to a database, but a read-only user would only be allowed to read from the database. The same admin user might be allowed to read and write to different databases depending on the context in which they are accessing the data.

OPA can be used to enforce any type of policy, not just authorization policies. For example, OPA can be used to enforce data validation policies, rate limiting policies, and so on.

OPA is highly extensible. New policy decision points can be added by implementing a simple interface. OPA comes with a library of built-in policy decision points (e.g., authz, rate limiting, data validation) that can be used out-of-the-box or extended as needed.

OPA is easy to use. It can be used as a standalone policy enforcement engine or embedded in another application. OPA provides language bindings for popular programming languages (e.g., Go, Java, JavaScript, Python) and integrates with popular data stores (e.g., Consul, DynamoDB, Etcd, MongoDB, SQL).

Why use OPA?

OPA is a flexible, extensible, and easy-to-use policy enforcement engine that can be used to enforce any type of policy. OPA provides language bindings for popular programming languages and integrates with popular data stores.
