Python 替换 PHP 的标头

2022-01-11 00:00:00 python header php

如何像 PHP 中的 header() 一样在 python 中发送原始 http 标头?

How to send a raw http header in python just like header() in PHP ?


在 Django 中,你会是这样的:

In Django, you'd be like:

def someview(request):
    # ... etc ...
    out = HttpResponse(outputstring,
    out['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=download.html"
    # fill in all your favorite HTTP headers here
    return out

...对于缓存控制和朋友,您需要导入一堆装饰器并相应地包装您的视图函数(我忘记了) - 这是因为 django 有一个缓存系统,其中包含许多 sub-rosa 位框架已集成.

... for cache-control and friends, you need to import a bunch of decorators and wrap your view functions accordingly (I forget which) -- this is because django has a caching system with which many sub-rosa bits of the framework are integrated.

我发现缓存的东西令人困惑,但也很好.非缓存 HTTP 标头是 E-Z.

I find the cache stuff confusing, but also nice. non-cache HTTP headers are E-Z.
