
2023-04-06 01:43:00 证书 防火墙 筑起

An SSL certificate is used to create a secure connection between a web server and a web browser. When a user visits a website, their browser will check to see if the site has a valid SSL certificate. If the certificate is valid, the browser will then create a secure connection to the server.

SSL certificates are used to encrypt communication between a web server and a web browser. This means that if someone were to intercept the communication, they would not be able to read it.

SSL certificates are also used to verify the identity of a website. This means that when you visit a website, you can be sure that you are actually communicating with the website that you think you are.

There are a few different types of SSL certificates, but the most common type is a Domain Validated SSL certificate. This type of certificate is issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) after they have verified that the domain name is registered and that the website is hosted on the correct server.

A Domain Validated SSL certificate is the most basic type of SSL certificate and is usually the cheapest. However, it is also the least secure type of SSL certificate as it does not provide any organization level validation.

An Organization Validated SSL certificate is more expensive than a Domain Validated SSL certificate as it requires the CA to do more extensive checks on the organization. However, it is more secure as it provides assurance that the organization is legitimate.

An Extended Validation SSL certificate is the most expensive and most secure type of SSL certificate. This type of certificate requires the CA to do a very thorough check of the organization. As a result, it provides the highest level of assurance to users that the website is legitimate.
