PHP 错误:无法修改标头信息 - 标头已发送

2022-01-11 00:00:00 header php

已由 PHP 发送的标头

所以我的页面上有这个输出......不明白为什么我会弹出它.不过我是 php 新手,所以也许它很容易修复

So I have this output on my page.. not understanding why I have it popping up. I'm new to php though, so maybe it's something easy to fix

-我有一个 header.php 文件,其中包括所有重要信息,以及页面的横幅.这个 header.php 包含在每个页面中.

-I have a header.php file, which includes all important info, as well has the banner of the page. This header.php is included on every page.


-I have it checking the session value to make sure user is allowed to be at a certain page. If user is not allowed to be there, I kick them back to login page


This is where the error comes up though. This is what I have:

include_once ("header.php");

if ($_SESSION['uid']!='programmer')
header('Location: index.php');
echo 'you cannot be here';


The index that it is redirecting to also has the header. So is having these multiple header references giving me this error? I see no other way to do this, and it's driving me nuts!


一旦文本输出到浏览器,就不能使用 header().由于您的 header.php 可能包含输出 HTML,因此 header() 无法使用.

You cannot use header() once text has been output to the browser. As your header.php include presumably outputs HTML, header() cannot be used.


You can solve this in a couple ways:

  • 将 if 语句移到 header 包含上方(这不起作用,正如您在评论中指出的那样,header.php 设置了 uid 会话和其他重要内容).
  • 在脚本顶部调用 ob_start() 来缓冲输出.
  • Move the if statement above the header include (this won't work, as you've indicated in comments that header.php sets the uid session and other vital stuff).
  • Call ob_start() at the top of the script to buffer the output.
