
2022-01-09 00:00:00 file-upload upload php

我现在正在为一个网站编写代码,该网站上传图片,然后显示它们的画廊风格.我希望将图像的文件名作为图像的名称输入到站点的数据库中.但是,仅使用 $_FILES['images']['name']; 给了我文件名,但最后附加了文件扩展名.如何删除文件扩展名以便我可以单独使用文件名?

I'm writing the code for a website right now that's uploads images and then displays them gallery style. What I would like to happen is for the file name of the image to be entered into the site's database as the name of the image. However, just using $_FILES['images']['name']; gives me the file name but with the file extension attached at the end. How would I remove the file extension so I can use the file name by itself?



$example  = "my_file.jpeg";
$filename = pathinfo($example, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
echo $filename; // my_file
