
2022-01-10 00:00:00 categories navigation php mysql


I have a table set up in mysql as follows:

我想创建一个侧边栏类别导航,其中包含父类别 - 子类别 - 以及我存储在另一个表中的可能的第三级类别.

I would like to create a sidebar category navigation with Parent category - subcategories - and possible third level categories which I have stored in another table.


I am trying to get them to display in a tree structure like so:


  • 俱乐部和社团
  • 公共房屋
  • 餐厅
  • 出租车和私人租用车辆
  • 剧院和音乐厅
  • 酒吧


  • 民宿
  • 旅馆
  • 度假住宿
  • 酒店
  • 自助式住宿


  • 农业机械及备件
  • 农商行
  • 动物饲料
  • 乡村服饰
  • 乳制品


At the moment I am able to create the following:


$dbc = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass);
$sdb = mysql_select_db($db_database);

$query = 'SELECT category_name, subcategory_name FROM categories, subcategories WHERE subcategory_parent = category_name';

$result = mysql_query($query, $dbc)
or die (mysql_error($dbc));

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$catname = $row["category_name"];
$subcatname = $row["subcategory_name"];

echo "<li>$catname</li><ul><li>$subcatname</li></ul>";

我想让第一级类别只显示一次,子类别在它们下面的列表中.谁能告诉我最有效的方法吗?我想我需要使用 foreach 但不确定.

I want to get the first level category to display only once with the subcategories in a list below them. Can anyone tell me the most efficient way to do this? I think I need to use foreach but am not sure.


The third level category table I have set up has the same structure as this table but is subsubcategory_id / subsubcategory_parent / subsubcategory_name.


只在catname变化时输出.您还需要先按 category_name 对查询进行排序.

only output the catname when it changes. You will also need to order your query by category_name first.

$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$catname = $row["category_name"];
$subcatname = $row["subcategory_name"];
$last = $catname;

echo "<li>$catname</li><ul>"

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $catname = $row["category_name"];
    $subcatname = $row["subcategory_name"];
    if($last != $catname){
        echo "</ul><li>$catname</li><ul>"
    echo "<li>$subcatname</li>";
    $last = $catname;
echo "</ul>";

只需重新完整阅读问题并想说,当涉及到分层树时,使用父/子(或类别/子/子子)不是最好的方法.虽然它确实有效,但它通常需要多个查询和递归函数才能显示.更好的方法是使用专门为此目的而制作的 嵌套集.

Just re-read the question fully and want to say that when it comes to hierarchical trees, using a parent/child (or category/sub/subsub) is not the best method. Although it does work, it usually requires multiple queries and recursive functions for display. A better approach is to use the nested set which is made for exactly this purpose.
