SimpleXML 根据属性值获取元素内容

2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors php simplexml

我正在尝试根据属性的值访问元素的内容.使用 PHP SimpleXML.我有以下 XML 设置:

I'm trying to access the content of an element based on the value of an attribute. With PHP SimpleXML. I've got the following XML setup:

    <Item Name="Author" Type="String">Nguyen T</Item>
    <Item Name="Title" Type="String">[Hemoptysis and spontaneous rupture of a primary renal angiosarcoma: a case report.]</Item>
    <Item Name="Author" Type="String">Oliveira GC</Item>
    <Item Name="Title" Type="String">Disclosing ambiguous gene aliases by automatic literature profiling.</Item>
    <Item Name="Author" Type="String">Vanderwall DE</Item>
    <Item Name="Title" Type="String">Metformin and digestive disorders.</Item>


These are books. In this case I'm trying to get the title. What I have so far is this:

$xml = simplexml_load_file(url);
$docs = $xml->DocSum;
foreach($docs as $book){
        // Each book individual


Where the comment is I tried a lot of things.


这个 XPath 查询在 SimpleXML 对象上将返回所有 DocSum 节点,这些节点具有 Item 子节点,Name 属性中的值为Author",值为Olivera GC"在文本节点中:

This XPath query on the SimpleXML object will return all DocSum nodes that have an Item child with value "Author" in the Name attribute and value "Olivera GC" in the text node:

$nodes = $xml->xpath('//DocSum[Item[@Name="Author" and .="Oliveira GC"]]');
$book = $nodes[0];
