在 PHP 中将 JPG/GIF 图像转换为 PNG?

2022-01-09 00:00:00 image png exif upload php

将jpg图像转换为gif、png &使用PHP的bmp格式

我有一个 PHP 表单,它允许上传图片并检查 exif_imagetype(); 以确保图片有效.

I have a PHP form that allows image uploads and checks exif_imagetype(); to make sure an image is valid.

但是,我希望所有格式(PNG、JPG、JPEG 和 GIF)在提交后最终都是 PNG.

However, I want all formats, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF, to end up being PNG once submitted.



你只需要imagepng() 那么.事实上,它几乎变成了一条线:

You just need imagepng() then. In fact it almost becomes a one-liner:

 imagepng(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($filename)), "output.png");

您将使用 $_FILES["id"]["tmp_name"] 作为文件名,并且显然使用不同的输出文件名.但是图像格式探测本身就会变得多余.

You would use $_FILES["id"]["tmp_name"] for the filename, and a different output filename obviously. But the image format probing itself would become redundant.
