如何在 PHP 中编写文件上传测试?

我正在使用 simpleTest 编写我的 PHP 测试.我正在编写一个文件上传插件,想知道如何测试它.

I'm using simpleTest to write my PHP tests. I'm writing a file upload plugin and was wondering how I may be testing it.


I would like to check that the file is correctly uploaded, in the right folder, that error are correctly returned when needed, etc.

如何模拟文件上传(通过 $_FILES 变量)?有什么我应该注意的问题吗?

How do I emulate a file upload (through the $_FILES variable) ? Are there any issues I should be aware of ?


我找到了替代解决方案.我用测试数据欺骗了 $_FILES 数组,在 tmp/ 文件夹中创建了虚拟测试文件(该文件夹无关紧要,但我试图坚持使用默认值).

I've found an alternate solution. I've spoofed the $_FILES array with test data, created dummy test files in the tmp/ folder (the folder is irrelevant, but I tried to stick with the default).

问题是 is_uploaded_filemove_uploaded_file 无法处理这个欺骗项目,因为它们不是真正通过 POST 上传的.我做的第一件事是将这些函数包装在我自己的 moveUploadedFileisUploadedFile 的插件中,这样我就可以模拟它们并更改它们的返回值.

The problem was that is_uploaded_file and move_uploaded_file could not work with this spoofed items, because they are not really uploaded through POST. First thing I did was to wrap those functions inside my own moveUploadedFile and isUploadedFile in my plugin so I can mock them and change their return value.

最后一件事是在测试时扩展类并覆盖 moveUploadedFile 以使用 rename 而不是 move_uploaded_fileisUploadedFile 使用 file_exists 而不是 is_uploaded_file.

The last thing was to extends the class when testing it and overwriting moveUploadedFile to use rename instead of move_uploaded_file and isUploadedFile to use file_exists instead of is_uploaded_file.
