ColdFusion/PHP 兼容性

2022-01-09 00:00:00 php coldfusion

嘿,我有一个关于 ColdFusion 和 PHP 兼容性的问题.

Hey I have a question regarding the compatibility of ColdFusion and PHP.

我们建立了一个基于 ColdFusion 的社区网站.是否可以用 PHP 向我们的网站添加博客和其他社区功能等功能?

We built a community website which is based on ColdFusion. Is it altogether possible to add features such as blogs, and other community features to our website in PHP?

我的意思是把 PHP 和 ColdFusion 结合在一起.

I mean to combine both PHP and ColdFusion together.



如果您使用的是 ColdFusion 8,我认为可以做到.我知道 Sean Corfield 有一个 project on RIAForge 做这种事情,他的博客上有一连串的帖子,从这个开始:

I think it can be done, if you're using ColdFusion 8. I know that Sean Corfield has a project on RIAForge doing this sort of thing, and there are a string of posts on his blog, starting with this one:

话虽如此,集成来自相同核心语言的产品会更容易.ColdFusion 中有数百个用于不同事物的开源选项 是一个很好的起点.

All of this being said, it will be easier to integrate products from the same core language. There are hundreds of open source options for different things in ColdFusion. is a good place to start.
