PHP ftp_nlist 不工作

2022-01-09 00:00:00 ubuntu ftp linux php
$ftp_conn = ftp_connect($ftp_server) or die("Could not connect to $ftp_server");

if (@ftp_login($ftp_conn, $ftp_username, $ftp_userpass))
    $path = "./";
    $file = "test.txt";
    $file_list = ftp_nlist($ftp_conn,$path);
// close connection

以上是我正在使用的代码.它在我的 Windows 本地机器、Windows 服务器机器、Linux 本地机器上运行良好,但不知何故它在 Linux 服务器机器上失败了.ftp_nlist 返回 false.谁能告诉我可能是什么原因?

The above is the code which I am using. It is working fine for me on my Windows local machine, Windows server machine, Linux local machine, but somehow it fails on the Linux server machine. ftp_nlist returns false. Can someone tell me what might be the reason?


Any help appreciated. Thank you.


ftp_nlist(或任何其他传输命令,如 ftp_getftp_put, ftp_rawlist) 是PHP默认的FTP主动模式.在 99% 的情况下,必须切换到 FTP 被动模式才能使传输正常工作.使用 ftp_pasv 函数.

Most typical cause of problems with ftp_nlist (or any other transfer command like ftp_get, ftp_put, ftp_rawlist) is that PHP defaults to the FTP active mode. And in 99% cases, one has to switch to the FTP passive mode, to make the transfer working. Use the ftp_pasv function.

$connect = ftp_connect($ftp) or die("Unable to connect to host");
ftp_login($connect, $username, $pwd) or die("Authorization failed");
// turn passive mode on
ftp_pasv($connect, true) or die("Passive mode failed");

另请参阅我的文章,了解 主动和被动 FTP 连接模式.

See also my article on the active and passive FTP connection modes.
