如何使用 PHP 附加到 XML 文件,最好使用 SimpleXML

2022-01-09 00:00:00 xml insert php simplexml

我有一个如下所示的 XML 文件:

I have a XML file which looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

         // We have loads of these <gallery>

我一直在试图弄清楚如何附加另一个 <画廊 > 到我上面的 xml 文件.我尝试使用 simplexml 但无法让它工作,所以我也尝试了这个 answer作为stackoverflow上的一堆.但就是不能让它工作.
我可以轻松地从 xml 文件中读取并获取我需要的所有信息,但我需要能够向其附加画廊标签,下面的代码不起作用,当它起作用时,我只能插入 1 个元素,它会插入看了3遍,没看懂.

I have been trying to figure out how to append another < gallery > to my above xml file. I tried using simplexml but couldn't get it to work, so I tried this answer as well as a bunch of others on stackoverflow. But just cant get it to work.
I can read from a xml file easily and get all the info I need, But I need to be able to append a gallery tag to it, The code below doesnt work and when it does, I can only insert 1 element, and it inserts it 3 times, i dont understand this.

 $data = 'xml/config.xml';
 // Load document
 $xml = new DOMDocument;
 $xml->load( $data ); #load data into the element

 $xpath = new DOMXPath($xml);
 $results = $xpath->query('/data/galleries');
 $gallery_node = $results->item(0);

 $name_node = $xml->createElement('name');
 $name_text = $xml->createTextNode('nametext');

 $name_node = $name_node->appendChild($name_text);


 echo $xml->save($data);


I've had loads of failed attempts at this, this should be so easy. Basically I want to add a gallery with childs name filepath and thumb to this same file (xml/config.php).


Like I said, I kinda got it to work, but its unformatted and a doesnt have the gallery tag.

如何插入另一个 <画廊 >(有孩子)到上述 XML 文件?
最好甚至使用 simpleXML

How do I insert another < gallery > (with children) into the above XML file?
Preferably even using simpleXML


有了 SimpleXML,你可以使用 addChild() 方法.

With SimpleXML, you can use the addChild() method.

$file = 'xml/config.xml';

$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);

$galleries = $xml->galleries;

$gallery = $galleries->addChild('gallery');
$gallery->addChild('name', 'a gallery');
$gallery->addChild('filepath', 'path/to/gallery');
$gallery->addChild('thumb', 'mythumb.jpg');



请注意,SimpleXML 不会为您格式化"XML,但是从未格式化的 SimpleXML 表示转换为整齐缩进的 XML 并不是一个复杂的步骤,这里有很多个问题.
