从 PHP/GD 中的资源获取图像 mimetype?

2022-01-09 00:00:00 image ftp php gd

我正在尝试查找图像的 MIME 类型.PHP 有函数 getimagesize 但它只接受一个文件名,而我有一个图像资源" - 即从 imagecreatefromstring 创建的图像.

I'm trying to find the mime type of an image. PHP has the function getimagesize but that only takes a filename, whereas I have an image "resource" instead - i.e. an image created from imagecreatefromstring.

我找到了返回资源宽度/高度的函数 imagesximagesy 但我找不到任何函数可以告诉我资源中的 mime 类型.有人知道这样做的方法吗?

I found the functions imagesx and imagesy which return the width/height from a resource but I can't find any function that tell me the mime type from a resource. Anyone know of a way to do this?

注意:由于服务器设置奇怪,我们无法正常从服务器读取/写入文件,只能通过 FTP 层(我从中读取图像数据).

Note: Due to a weird server set up, we can't read/write files from the server normally, only through an FTP layer (which is where I read the image data from).



I know this is pretty old, but just in case someone come across this post like I did...

从 PHP 5.4.0 发布的一个更好的选择:getimagesizefromstring

A better option it's been released from PHP 5.4.0: getimagesizefromstring

这个新函数与 getimagesize 完全相同,但允许您从流中检索信息.

This new function is exactly the same of getimagesize but allows you to retreive the information from a stream.
