删除 FTP 连接上的文件夹和所有文件

2022-01-09 00:00:00 ftp php rmdir

尝试添加使用 FTP 删除文件夹以及该文件夹中包含的所有子文件夹和文件的功能.

Trying to add the ability to delete a Folder using FTP and all subfolders and files contained within that folder.


I have built a recursive function to do so, and I feel like the logic is right, but still doesnt work.


I did some testing, I am able to delete on first run if the path is just an empty folder or just a file, but can't delete if it is a folder containing one file or a folder containing one empty subfolder. So it seems to be a problem with traversing through the folder(s) and using the function to delete.


function ftpDelete($directory)
    if(empty($directory))//Validate that a directory was sent, otherwise will delete ALL files/folders
        return json_encode(false);
        global $conn_id;
        # here we attempt to delete the file/directory
        if( !(@ftp_rmdir($conn_id,$directory) || @ftp_delete($conn_id,$directory)) )
            # if the attempt to delete fails, get the file listing
            $filelist = @ftp_nlist($conn_id, $directory);

            # loop through the file list and recursively delete the FILE in the list
            foreach($filelist as $file)

            #if the file list is empty, delete the DIRECTORY we passed
            return json_encode(true);



Ok found my problem. Since I wasn't moving into the exact directory I was trying to delete, the path for each recursive file being called wasn't absolute:

function ftpDeleteDirectory($directory)
    global $conn_id;
    if(empty($directory))//Validate that a directory was sent, otherwise will delete ALL files/folders
        return json_encode(false);
        # here we attempt to delete the file/directory
        if( !(@ftp_rmdir($conn_id,$directory) || @ftp_delete($conn_id,$directory)) )
            # if the attempt to delete fails, get the file listing
            $filelist = @ftp_nlist($conn_id, $directory);
            # loop through the file list and recursively delete the FILE in the list
            foreach($filelist as $file)
            //  return json_encode($filelist);
                ftpDeleteDirectory($directory.'/'.$file);/***THIS IS WHERE I MUST RESEND ABSOLUTE PATH TO FILE***/

            #if the file list is empty, delete the DIRECTORY we passed
    return json_encode(true);
