PHP FTP + NAT 后的被动 FTP 服务器

2022-01-09 00:00:00 ftp php

我正在尝试在我的网站和远程服务器之间进行 ftp 上传.

I'm trying to do an ftp upload between my website and a remote server.

我收到此错误 PHP 警告:ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115).

I'm getting this error PHP Warning: ftp_put(): php_connect_nonb() failed: Operation now in progress (115).


I did research and I believe this is the problem

问题是,我无法下载补丁,因为我使用的是 Godaddy Cpanel,他们说我们拥有的主机不允许它,我也无法通过 ssh 进入它以运行命令行.

The thing is, I cannot download the patch because I'm using Godaddy Cpanel, and they said the hosting we have does not allow it and I also cannot ssh into it to be able to run command line.

我读到在 PHP v5.6+ 中应用了补丁,但我无法获得 ftp_set_option($ftpconn, USEPASVADDRESS, true);去工作.它不识别USEPASVADDRESS,我认为它会,因为我使用的是v5.6.22.

I read that in PHP v5.6+ the patch was applied but I cannot get ftp_set_option($ftpconn, USEPASVADDRESS, true); to work. It doesn't recognize USEPASVADDRESS, which I thought it would because I'm using v5.6.22.


也许你已经设法绕过它,但正确使用的常量是 FTP_USEPASVADDRESS,而不仅仅是 USEPASVADDRESS,不管你能找到什么 在噩梦页面.这与 Godaddy 或其他主机无关(但请注意,我不使用 Godaddy,所以我不能打赌它在那里工作).

Maybe you've already managed to get around it, but the correct constant to use is FTP_USEPASVADDRESS, not just USEPASVADDRESS, regardless of what you can find at the nightmare page. That's independent of Godaddy or other hosting (but please note that I don't use Godaddy, so I can't bet it works there).

此外,噩梦页面上的示例可能会产生误导,因为它报告了使 PHP 表现得好像该选项根本不存在的代码(例如,使其表现得像默认情况下一样):

Moreover, the example at the nightmare page can be misleading, because it reports the code to make PHP behave as if that option didn't exist at all (e.g. make it behave like it already does by default):

ftp_set_option($ftpconn, USEPASVADDRESS, true);
echo "USEPASVADDRESS Value: " . ftp_get_option($ftpconn, USEPASVADDRESS) ? '1' : '0';
ftp_pasv($ftpconn, true);


I think the best example that page could give would be something like this instead:

ftp_set_option($ftpconn, FTP_USEPASVADDRESS, false);
echo "FTP_USEPASVADDRESS Value: " . ftp_get_option($ftpconn, FTP_USEPASVADDRESS) ? '1' : '0';
ftp_pasv($ftpconn, true);


e.g. it could show how to actually use that option, not how to waste a line of code to set an option to its default value.
