是否可以在 PhpUnit 的测试用例之外创建一个模拟?

2022-01-08 00:00:00 mocking unit-testing php phpunit


It may seem silly, hope not, but I want to create a service that will return mock objects for people that uses my project so they can mock all the classes from my project and test their code.


My idea was to offer this kind of service so it can be called inside other project's test cases and obtain the appropriate mock for each test.


Is that possible? Or there are other ways to do that. Btw, I can't use any mocking library because of project's limitations.


是的,有可能.getMock 方法在底层使用 PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator 类.所以可以直接使用:

Yes, it is possible. Under the hood the getMock method uses the PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator class. So you can use it directly:

PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::getMock($originalClassName, $methods)

但是你会失去所有期望的快捷方式,比如 $this->once().您必须自己实例化期望:

But you will lose all the expectation shortcuts like $this->once(). You will have to instantiate the expectations on your own:



Look at the PHPUnit source code to see how the mocks are build
