
2022-01-09 00:00:00 floating-point decimal rounding php


$a = 34.56

$b = 34.55


$a do some calculation to get this figure

$b 正在四舍五入到最接近的 0.05 以获得这个数字

$b is doing rounding to the nearest 0.05 to get this figure


$c = $b - $a


supposedly it be -0.01, but I echo out the $c, which shows -0.00988888888888

我尝试使用number_format($c, 2),但是输出是0.00,

I try to use number_format($c, 2), but the output is 0.00,

如何确保 $a$b 正好是 2 位小数,后面没有隐藏数字.

how can I make sure $a and $b is exactly 2 decimals, no hidden number at the back.


in my php knowledge, number_format is only able to format the display, but the value is not really 2 decimal,


I hope I can get help from here. This really frustrated me.


试试 sprintf("%.2f", $c);

浮点数以 IEEE 表示法表示,基于 2 的幂,因此终止十进制数可能不是终止二进制数,这就是您得到尾随数字的原因.

Floating point numbers are represented in IEEE notation based on the powers of 2, so terminating decimal numbers may not be a terminating binary number, that's why you get the trailing digits.


As suggested by Variable Length Coder, if you know the precision you want and it doesn't change (e.g. when you're dealing with money) it might be better to just use fixed point numbers i.e. express the numbers as cents rather than dollars

$a = 3456;

$b = 3455;

$c = $b - $a;

sprintf ("%.2f", $c/100.0);


This way, you won't have any rounding errors if you do a lot of calculations before printing.
