嘿,如何从 laravel 中的 klaviyo php-sdk 在 laravel 中收集短信同意
大家好,有谁知道如何从 这个包在 laravel 中.
Hey guys does anyone knows the way around to add an SMS content in klaviyo from this package in laravel.
基本上我已经添加了这段代码,我可以在其中添加配置文件并看到用户电子邮件旁边的绿色复选标记,但对于 SMS,它不会出现在那里.在阅读了其他人面临的一些类似问题后,我发现我们需要一个 API 的订阅端点来添加 SMS 的同意,但我仍然找不到使用这个包的方法.任何帮助和建议将不胜感激.
Basically I've added this piece of code where I can add the profile and see that green check next to user's email but for SMS it don't appear there. After reading some similar issues faced by others, I found that we need a subscribe endpoint of API to add consent of SMS, But I still can't find a way to do it with this package. Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.
use KlaviyoKlaviyo as Klaviyo;
use KlaviyoModelEventModel as KlaviyoEvent;
use KlaviyoModelProfileModel as KlaviyoProfile;
class KlaviyoformsController extends Controller
public function index()
$client = new Klaviyo('Your_private_key', 'public key');
$event =
new KlaviyoEvent(
'event' => 'Lead',
'customer_properties' => array(
'$email' => "someone@mailinator9.com",
'$consent' => ['sms', 'email'],
'sms_consent' => true,
'email_consent' => true,
'$first_name' => "Thomas9",
'$last_name' => "Jefferson",
'$phone_number' => "1234567890"
'properties' => array()
$client->publicAPI->track( $event, true );
return view('klaviyoform::dashboard.index');
你必须在 Laravel 中有一个用于同意提交的捕获表单,然后它将使用适当的同意数据订阅它们.您必须明确征求电子邮件和短信同意.
You must have a capture form for the consent submission within Laravel that will then subscribe them with the appropriate consent data. You must explicitly ask for both email and sms consent.
$client = new Klaviyo('Your_private_key', 'public key');
$customer_properties = [
'$email' => "someone@mailinator9.com",
'$first_name' => "Thomas9",
'$last_name' => "Jefferson",
'phone_number' => "1234567890"
$consents = [];
if (request()->get('sms_consent', false)) {
$consents['sms_consent'] = true;
if (request()->get('email_consent', false)) {
$consents['email_consent'] = true;
foreach ($consents as $type => $consented) {
if ($consented) {
$consents['$consent'] = array_merge(
data_get($consents, '$consent', []),
[explode('_', $type)[0]] //e.g. sms, email
$client->lists->addSubscribersToList('ListId', array_merge($customer_properties, $consents));
This is relative psuedo code but the goal is clear: Determine if they allowed both sms and email consent. If so, we'll add their consent properties.
Once the consent data has been added to that list you can safely send them sms and/or email based on the customers choice.