碳 - 得到一个月的第一天

2022-01-08 00:00:00 datetime php laravel-4 php-carbon


I am using carbon but trying to get the first day of the month so I can run a report from the beginning of the month till the current day.

    $date = [
        'start' => new CarbonCarbon('last month'),
        'end' => new CarbonCarbon('today')


The above code will show todays date back to same date in the previous month. But I want to get from the 1st to now.


Is there an easy way to do this like I am above? Cant find anything in the docs.



$start = new Carbon('first day of this month');

CARBON DOCS 参考#Testing Aids

如果您已经有 Carbon 对象并想为该对象查找月份的第一天,您可以尝试,

If you already have Carbon object and want to find first day of month for that object you can try as,

$startDate = Carbon::now(); //returns current day
$firstDay = $startDate->firstOfMonth();  
