从 laravel eloquent 中的数据透视表中获取计数

2022-01-08 00:00:00 count php laravel laravel-4 eloquent


I have a many to many relationship for orders and products.

class Order extends Eloquent {

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo('User');

    public function products()
        return $this->belongsToMany('Product');

class Product extends Eloquent {

    public function orders()
        return $this->belongsToMany('Order');



Need to fetch the number of times each product is ordered.In mysql,this task can be achieved by using the following query

SELECT products.id, products.description, count( products.id )
FROM products
INNER JOIN order_product ON products.id = order_product.product_id
INNER JOIN orders ON orders.id = order_product.order_id
GROUP BY product_id
LIMIT 0 , 30


id  description   count(products.id)    
 1     Shoes          3
 2     Bag            2
 3     Sun glasses    2
 4     Shirt          2

如何使用 laravel eloquent 完成此任务(不使用查询构建器)????我如何使用 laravel eloquent 获取每个产品的订购次数??

How this task can be achieved using laravel eloquent (without using query builder)????How can i fetch the number of times each product is ordered using laravel eloquent??


注意 Eloquent 在底层使用 QueryBuilder,所以在 Laravel 中没有这样的东西,例如不使用查询生成器的查询雄辩".

Mind that Eloquent uses QueryBuilder under the hood, so there is no such thing in Laravel, like 'query eloquent without using query builder'.


// additional helper relation for the count
public function ordersCount()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Order')
        ->selectRaw('count(orders.id) as aggregate')

// accessor for easier fetching the count
public function getOrdersCountAttribute()
    if ( ! array_key_exists('ordersCount', $this->relations)) $this->load('ordersCount');

    $related = $this->getRelation('ordersCount')->first();

    return ($related) ? $related->aggregate : 0;


This will let you take advantage of eager loading:

$products = Product::with('ordersCount')->get();

// then for each product you can call it like this
$products->first()->ordersCount; // thanks to the accessor

阅读更多关于 Eloquent 访问器和突变体,


and about dynamic properties, of which behaviour the above accessor mimics.


Of course you could use simple joins to get exactly the same query like in you example.
