Laravel 会话数据不会跨页面加载

2022-01-08 00:00:00 session php laravel laravel-4


Session::put('progress', '5%');



This will show '5%' in the dump.

如果我重新运行同一页面但注释掉 Session::put('progress', '5%'); 以便只有 dd() 行调用时,我得到一个空值,而不是上一页加载中存储的 5% 值.

If I rerun the same page but comment out Session::put('progress', '5%'); so that only the dd() line is called, I get a null value instead of the 5% values stored in the previous page load.


Here is my sessions config, so I know it should be storing the data:

'driver' => 'native',
'lifetime' => 120,
'expire_on_close' => false,

为什么 Laravel 不跨页面加载存储会话数据?

Why is Laravel not storing the session data across page loads?


问题是因为你在 Laravel 完成其应用程序生命周期之前杀死了脚本,所以放入会话中的值(但尚未存储)也被杀死了.

The problem is because you are killing the script before Laravel finishes its application lifecycle, so the values put in session (but not yet stored) got killed too.

当 Laravel 应用程序生命周期开始时,Session 中的任何值 put 都尚未存储,直到应用程序生命周期结束.这就是 Session 中的任何值 put 最终/真正 stored.

When a Laravel application lifecycle starts, any value put in Session are not yet stored until the application lifecycle ends. That is when any value put in Session will be finally/really stored.


If you check the source you will find the same aforementioned behavior:

 public function put($key, $value)
     $all = $this->all();

     array_set($all, $key, $value);




If you want to test it, do the following:

  1. 在会话中存储一个值而不杀死脚本.

  1. Store a value in session without killing the script.

Route::get('test', function() {
    Session::put('progress', '5%');
    // dd(Session::get('progress'));

  • 检索已经存储的值:

    Route::get('test', function() {
        // Session::put('progress', '5%');

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