是否有 PHP 的统计库?

2022-01-07 00:00:00 statistics libraries php

我需要找到多项式回归线,并且我正在使用 PHP - 是否有库或第三部分脚本可以为我执行此操作?如果它也可以做方差分析,那将是一个奖励,但主要是我需要找到回归线.

I need to find a polynomial regression line, and I'm using PHP - is there a library or 3rd part script that will do this for me? If it can do ANOVA as well that would be a bonus, but mainly, I need to find regression lines.

我不知道如何计算多项式趋势线,我怀疑我自己学习如何计算太难了,所以如果其他人有一个脚本,我想使用它.我也愿意使用另一个可以从 php 调用的程序(所以只有命令行 - 没有 gui),但我更愿意坚持使用 php.

I don't know how to calculate a polynomial trend line, and I suspect it would be too difficult for me to learn how to do it myself, so if someone else has a script I'd like to use it. I would also be willing to use another program, that can be called from php (so command line only - no gui) but I would prefer to stick to php.


我也愿意使用另一个程序,可以调用来自 php(所以只有命令行 - 没有gui) 但我更愿意坚持

I would also be willing to use another program, that can be called from php (so command line only - no gui) but I would prefer to stick to php.

我从我的 PHP 网页调用 R.RCurl 是必需的.设置好 R 后,您可以通过 curl() 从 PHP 调用 R 脚本.

I call R from my PHP webpages. RCurl is required. Once you've got R set up you can call your R scripts from PHP via curl().
