Laravel preg_match():没有找到结束分隔符'/'

2022-01-08 00:00:00 regex php laravel laravel-4 regexp-replace

我正在开发 Laravel 4.2.我尝试使用 Validator 使用正则表达式验证名称字段,这是我的规则如下:

Im working on Laravel 4.2. Im trying to use Validator to validate a name field with regex, here is my rule below:

 public static $rules_save = [

        'class_subjects' => 'required|regex:/[0-9]([0-9]|-(?!-))+/'


But as soon as I call the rule to be validated an error is thrown, see below:

preg_match(): No ending delimiter '/' found



Since your regex has a pipe in it, you have to use an array:

public static $rules_save = [
    'class_subjects' => ['required', 'regex:/[0-9]([0-9]|-(?!-))+/'],


使用 regex 模式时,可能需要在数组中指定规则而不是使用管道分隔符,尤其是当正则表达式包含管道字符时.

When using the regex pattern, it may be necessary to specify rules in an array instead of using pipe delimiters, especially if the regular expression contains a pipe character.
