无法在 Windows 7 中打开输入文件 composer.phar

2022-01-07 00:00:00 php composer-php yii2

我正在尝试在 Yii2 中安装一个扩展,而我通过命令提示符使用

I am trying to install an extension in Yii2, while I installing through command prompt using

C:wampwwwproject>php composer.phar require mdmsoft/yii2-admin "~1.0"


无法打开输入文件 composer.phar

could not open input file composer.phar


您在哪里安装 composer?

Where did you install composer?


You have to add the directory, for example:

php C:ProgramDataComposerSetupincomposer.phar require ...

如果您将目录添加到 Windows 路径中,您只需调用

If you add the directory to your windows path you can simply call

composer require ...
